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Showing posts from 2012

The Greatest Speech Ever Made - Charlie Chaplin

I had watched this video in the past, but today,  it's just a fad that I watched this video again. At this second time, it feels very touching. I'm sorry, but I don't want to be an emperor. That's not my business. I don't want to rule or conquer anyone. I should like to help everyone, if possible, Jew, gentile, black man, white. We all want to help one another. Human beings are like that. We want to live by each other's happiness — not by each other's misery. We don't want to hate and despise one another. In this world there is room for everyone. And the good earth is rich and can provide for everyone. The way of life can be free and beautiful, but we have lost the way.  Greed has poisoned men's souls, has barricaded the world with hate, has goose-stepped us into misery and bloodshed. We have developed speed, but we have shut ourselves in. Machinery that gives abundance has left us in want. Our knowledge has made us cynical. Our cleverness,


Artikel kali ini saya buat terinspirasi dan didasari isi khotbah yang disampaikan Pak Agus Syihabudin pada Jumat, 17 Agustus 2012, di masjid Salman ITB. Pak Agus adalah dosen agama Islam di ITB yang sempat mengajar saya sewaktu saya mengambil mata kuliah agama. Seperti kebiasaannya saat mengajar di kelas, saat khotbah pun beliau sempat menyelipkan nasihat-nasihat tentang jodoh. Saat itu beliau menyampaikan perkataan yang kurang lebih seperti berikut.  "Implikasi dari keraguan ada 3 macam. Ada yang ringan, sedang, dan berat. Salah satu implikasi dari keraguan yang bersifat sedang adalah ketika Anda ragu dalam memilih jodoh." (sambil tampak sedikit tersenyum) OK, yang di atas bukan hal utama yang ingin saya sampaikan. Menurut beliau keraguan adalah sifat alami yang sering muncul dalam diri setiap manusia. Kita semua pernah mengalami keraguan dalam berbagai hal. Implikasi atau akibat dari keraguan ada berbagai macam. Ada yang bersifat ringan, sedang, dan berat. Contoh akiba

Differences Between Micro ATX and Mini ATX

Mini ATX was created by AOpen to be a small, lower-power motherboard. Micro ATX (sometimes referred to as µATX, mATX[1] or uATX) is a standard for motherboards that was introduced in December 1997 to be backwards-compatible with existing systems but provide a smaller form factor. Size The maximum size of a micro ATX motherboard is 244 mm × 244 mm (9.6 in × 9.6 in), but some microATX boards can be as small as 171.45 mm × 171.45 mm (6.75 in × 6.75 in). Mini ATX is a 15 x 15 cm (or 5.9 x 5.9 inches) motherboard.  Computer form factors Name PCB size  (mm) WTX 356 × 425 AT 350 × 305 Baby-AT 330 × 216 BTX 325 × 266 ATX 305 × 244 EATX (Extended) 305 × 330 LPX 330 × 229 microBTX 264 × 267 NLX 254 × 228 Ultra ATX 244 × 367 microATX 244 × 244 DTX 244 × 203 FlexATX 229 × 191 Mini-DTX 203 × 170 EBX 203 × 146 microATX  (min.) 171 × 171 Mini-ITX 170 × 170 EPIC  (Express) 165 × 115 Mini ATX 150 × 150 ESM 149 × 71 Nano-ITX 120 × 120 COM Express 125 × 95 ESMexpre


One of the inspiring persons by his quotes which are usually about financial success is Robert Kiyosaki. He likes to share his suggestions about the financial plan and how people can comprehend it. I also have some books written by him like "Cash Flow Quadrant" and "Rich Dad Poor Dad" that give me a new perspective. Some of his quotes also talk about assets. These are some of them. Live it up! Buy everything you want… just by the assets to pay for them first. I use debt to buy assets. Most people use debt to buy toys and liabilities. Don’t buy luxuries until you have built the assets to afford them. If you want to predict a person’s financial future, you have to look no further than the expense column. Are they buying liabilities or assets? By making charity and investing in assets making expenses in his budget, my rich dad ensured that he would make them a priority. He called it paying himself first. Firstly, we must figure out what an asset is

Console Application with High CPU Usage

This month, I have a project to make a kind of bot application. It's a console application that run on a server. This application doesn't have any heavy algorithm but just check a database periodically and run some simple function. When I run this application, the CPU usage of my server is increasing into 100%. I was thinking that it's caused by the function which run periodically. I don't have any idea about this. But, one of my friend in my laboratory said that it's caused by while function which doesn't use any kind of usleep function. He said, in C programming, if we make an application using while function for forever (e.g. using while(1){<some source code>} ), it  will cause a high CPU usage. After that, I looked for a kind of  usleep function in Java because my application is a Java console application. I found that we can use sleep function from Thread class. I made a simple program to check the differences. This is the program. publ

Vacation at Ciwidey with ELEKTRO

My friends in the department of electrical engineering held a vacation at Ciwidey on July,17th-19th 2012. I came late to Ciwidey and followed my friend on July,18th because I had to finish some of my work first. I went to Ciwidey by chartering an angkot with 4 of my friends that come late too and arrived there in the morning. We stayed in two villas which are surrounded by a tea farm. This is the location: -7.141851,107.382675 . This place was so pleasant. There is some tourist attraction that is near where we stayed such as Danau Situ Patengan, Kawah Putih, and Cimanggu. On the first day, my friends who had arrived early went to Danau Situ Patengan. I regret not coming there. On the second day, when I arrived at Ciwidey, I enjoyed the morning air and the nice atmosphere there immediately. Then, I had my breakfast and prepared to join a game with my friends in the pool. The Villa We played a game in the pool. This is a video of the game. In the

Meningkatkan Produktivitas Ketika Bekerja di Rumah

Rumah biasanya menjadi tempat yang paling nyaman untuk bersantai. Tempat tidur, selimut yang hangat, cemilan, acara televisi, akses internet yang bebas, dll menjadi penyebab menurunnya produktivitas selama bekerja di rumah. Berdasarkan website , ada beberapa cara untuk meningkatkan produktivitas ketika bekerja di rumah dan bukan di kantor atau laboraturium. Berikan diri sendiri deadline  bekerja yang ketat ketika bekerja di rumah. Jika kita memutuskan untuk bekerja di rumah tentu karena kita menginginkan agar dapat bersantai dan menikmati kenyamanan di rumah. Namun jika masih banyak pekerjaan, tentu saja kenyamanan akan berkurang. Oleh karena itu, segera selesaikan pekerjaan Anda. Tiru lingkungan kerja kantor. Berpakaianlah seperti saat Anda bekerja di kantor, gantilah pakaian tidur Anda. Bila perlu persiapkan komputer desktop yang hanya terdapat aplikasi-aplikasi yang menunjang pekerjaan Anda. Pergi keluar saat waktu makan siang. J

Just Facebook's Friend

BTW, beberapa akhir terakhir, saya juga gemar me- unfriend  orang tidak dikenal yang ada di daftar teman saya atau yang lebih sering adalah ketika ada kemunculan nama tidak dikenal di News Feed. Saya melakukan  unfriend  biasanya terkait dengan informasi pribadi di FB. Bagi orang yang tidak dikenal lebih baik tidak perlu mengetahui terlalu banyak seperti foto-foto, nomor HP, dan lainnya. Jika ada teman yang saya kenal namun sering mengirim  post  yang tidak penting tidak saya  unfriend  tapi cukup di- unsubscribe atau yang lebih sering saya pilih pilihan " only important ".

Sorting Methods

Sorting which is one of topic in data sructure is an important thing in real life for facilitate the data management. Data sorting can be implemented by ascending order or descending order. There are some methods for data sorting such as: Insertion Sort Selection Sort Bubble Sort Quick Sort 1. Insertion Sort Straight insertion is a sorting method which takes a parenthesis data on ordered data and shoves data which is bigger than parenthesis data so parenthesis data can be placed on right place. For example, there is an array that contains these number : 3 12 2 4 13 5 If the data above is sorted in ascending by straight insertion, the result is: Parenthesis Data Sorting Result 12 3 12 2 4 13 5 In 1st loop, 2nd data of array becomes parenthesis data, then being compared with all previous data (3). If there is no data which is bigger than

Jahit Jas di Bandung

Saya membuat satu setel jas di salah satu tempat penjualan bahan pakaian di Dalem Kaum Plasa. Postingan saya sebelum ini tentang lokasinya dan beberapa informasi tentang toko bahan tekstil di Bandung ada di sini . Hasilnya menurut saya cukup bagus. Semoga bermanfaat.

Bot Application for Openfire using Smack API

This post is continuation of my earlier post . At that day, I though to build my own server. Now, I think another simple way. I can make a bot application which acts like Jabber Client. So, if there is incoming message from SMS, another application from SMS module will run my bot application. This bot application will log in and connect to Openfire server to send message to all internet users that use Jabber client application. To build this bot, I will use Smack API that gives many features to create Jabber client application easily. You can read the documentation here . This API is a number of Java libraries so you must include those libraries when you want to build a Java application. The bot application of course will be put on server. Beside that, I also plan to make my own IM client application that connect to Jabber server using this

Ejabberd VS Openfire VS "handmade"

This month, I have a project from my laboratory about Smart Gateway . What smart gateway is it? It's a smart gateway system that allows multi-client chat not only using the internet but also SMS. Does it seem weird? Yeah, it will be used for rural areas where it is difficult to get internet access but still has SMS service. In this project, I take part in internet module development. There must be a server that can serve some users. There are some applications that can be installed on the server to build a chat server. Firstly, I chose  Ejabberd . The installation process for this application was so long. I installed it from its source code. This program was made by Erlang programming language. That's a new thing for me. I should install Erlang's compiler. I found the wrong site that gave difficult steps and I followed that difficult steps to install Erlang's compiler until I got stuck. Then, I found out that the Ubuntu repository provides it. After that, I installe

Cara Mesin Pencari Bekerja

Ada tiga bagian dasar dari mesin pencari yaitu crawling , indexing , dan sorting . 1. Crawling Sebelum bisa menampilkan hasil pencarian, mesin pencari harus dapat menemukan terlebih dahulu di mana lokasi halaman web tersebut. Untuk itu mesin pencari memerlukan software  yang disebut Web Crawler . Web Crawler juga disebut spider atau robot . Biasanya proses penelusuran dimulai dari halaman web yang popular. Begitu web tersebut ditemukan, Crawler akan mengindeks konten dan atribut di halaman tersebut, serta melakukan identifikasi. Setiap menemukan link  dalam satu halaman, Crawler akan menuju halaman yang ditunjuk link  tersebut, dan kembali mengindeks dan mengidentifikasi halaman. Halaman web dan dokumen diibaratkan sebagai titik, dan link  menggambarkan hubungan antar titik tersebut. Web Crawler mengunjungi dari titik ke titik melalui jaringan yang menghubungkan titik tersebut. Identifikasi halaman yang dijelajahi dilakukan dengan mengenali bagian dan konten halaman. Kata-kata y

Pemrograman Paralel dengan CUDA

CUDA ( Compute Unified Device Architecture ) adalah suatu skema yang dibuat oleh NVIDIA agar NVIDIA selaku GPU ( Graphic Processing Unit ) mampu melakukan komputasi tidak hanya untuk pengolahan grafis namun juga untuk tujuan umum. Jadi, dengan CUDA, kita dapat memanfaatkan cukup banyak  processor  yang dimiliki oleh NVIDIA untuk berbagai perhitungan. GPU yang ada  saat ini seperti ATI pun sudah memiliki banyak processor di dalamnya. Pada ATI, skema yang mereka bangun disebut ATI Stream. Saat ini pemrograman paralel menjadi sangat penting karena kebutuhan kemampuan komputasi komputer yang terus meningkat seperti kemampuan multitasking  dan pengolahan grafis yang andal. Metode saat ini dalam peningkatan peforma komputer juga berbeda dengan masa lampau dimana peningkatan clock  dari processor  yang diutamakan. Peningkatan clock  juga dibatasi oleh kemampuan fisik dari perangkat digital yaitu persoalan daya dan panas. Pada 2005 berbagai industri komputer mulai menawakan komputer den

Beli Bahan Tekstil dan Jasa Jahit di Bandung

Saya sedang memerlukan jas untuk satu acara dan saya langsung googling  untuk mencari tempat yang menjualnya. Sebelumnya saya sempat berpikir untuk menyewa saja namun karena tampaknya jas akan cukup penting nantinya dan harga penyewaan yang umumnya tidak murah maka saya memutuskan membeli. Saya mencari tempat yang menjual jas yang murah di Bandung. Hasilnya beberapa artikel menyebutkan Pasar Baru Bandung menjual berbagai bahan tekstil dan pakaian termasuk jas. Saya langsung membuka Google Maps dan mencari lokasi Pasar Baru Bandung. Berikut adalah lokasi Pasar Baru Bandung. View Pasar Baru Bandung in a larger map Setelah mengetahui lokasi tersebut, saya memutuskan pergi sendiri ke Pasar Baru Bandung. Tidak lupa saya menyiapkan GPS berhubung sangat lemah soal arah jalan. Alhasil, setelah sampai di dekat jembatan, sebelum jalan Suniaraja saya sempat mengambil arah yang salah dan akhirnya berputar-putar di daerah sekitar Pasar Baru (Jalan Stasiun, Braga, ABC, dll) untuk beberapa l