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Showing posts from August, 2014

Install Latest MySql Server in Ubuntu from APT Repository

When you want to install latest version of MySql server in Linux (Ubuntu), like other applications, the easiest way is installing it from APT repository. But, default APT repository sources in Ubuntu still doesn't include latest version of MySql. I just finished installation of Ubuntu 14.04, but when I wanted to install MySql, it still installed MySql 5.5. Latest stable version of Mysql server is 5.6 (in 2014). So, this is how you can install MySql server from APT repository. 1. go to 2. download latest MySql repository configuration installer via browser or get the installer link then download it using wget   command download MySql APT configuration installer 3. go to where you save the .deb file 4. run: $ sudo dpkg -i mysql-apt-config-xxx-xxx-xxx.deb install latest MySql APT configuration 5. choose latest MySql version you want to install. choose MySql version you want 6. run: $ sudo apt-get update 7

Create Application Desktop Shortcut in Ubuntu (Gnome Classic)

I use Ubuntu with Gnome Classic theme because it has more simple looks than latest default Unity theme. I love simple. It also can reduce graphical load in my computer. When I use this theme, some modern features are removed such us feature to create desktop shortcut. I can't drag and drop or make a link an application icon from application menu to desktop directly. Here is the way how I create desktop shortcut in Ubuntu with Gnome Classic. 1. Open Ubuntu directory explorer and go to /usr/share/applications 2. Find your application that you want to be displayed on desktop 3. Copy your application file to /home/<your_username>/Desktop copy Ubuntu application shortcut /usr/share/applications paste Ubuntu application shortcut to /home/<user>/Desktop