If we want to know a correlation between a boxer winning a match and using red pants, we can mathematically determine it based on past records of those conditions. There are four possible combinations of the conditions. The boxer loses and he doesn’t use red pants (00) The boxer loses and he uses red pants (01) The boxer wins and he doesn’t use red pants (10) The boxer wins and he uses red pants (11) For example, we have the following past records. Condition “00” is 23 times Condition “01” is 10 times Condition “10” is 45 times Condition “11” is 9 times Then, we can use the phi coefficient formula. The result of this formula is between -1 and 1. If the result is close to 0, it means the conditions have no correlation. If it is close to 1, it means the conditions are strongly correlated. Meanwhile, if it is negative, the correlation is strong but in the opposite way. The formula is as follows. phi = (n11 x n00) – (n01 x n10) / sqrt(n1X x n0X x nX1 x nX0) n1X represents the condition wh